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Oct 2

Daily spiritual vitamins!

Posted on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 in Journey of Discipleship

Are you one of those people who take a vitamin every day?  I know a lot of people who take a vitamin or two every day to take care of their health.  There are a lot of people who have developed the good habit of regular exersize, again to be physically healthy.  People are changing their diets to eat more healthy, and to loose weight.  People are even changing their beds so that they can be more healthy with good sleep.  We try to do all sorts of things to keep us physically healthy.

One of the things we at Christus Victor Lutheran are doing is focusing on our spiritual health; the spiritual health of our whole church, and the groups and individuals that are part of this Christian community.  We are working on identifying what we can do to improve our spiritual health?  Let me be clear about what I mean by spiritual health: I mean our relationship with God, and, flowing from our relationship with God, our relationship with ourselves, with those around us, and even the world around us.  The Church Health/NCD Process talks about Passionate Spirituality: the degree to which faith is actually lived out with commitment, passion, and enthusiasm.”

This will be an important process for our church for the coming years, to focus our attention and energy on becoming a healthy congregation.

But, I’ve been wondering if we should also ask ourselves a question: “What are you/what am I doing about your/my spiritual health?”  After you mull that over a little bit, I have an experiment/challenge I’d like you to try, along with the 3rd Grade families of CV, who are currently going through the Faith Stepping Stone Bible Class.  The 3rd Graders and their families are trying to develop a new spiritual health habit – taking a SPIRITUAL VITAMIN every day!  This means that they are going to get together for  5 to 10 minutes every day to SHARE their highs and lows, READ a verse or more of scripture (the spiritual vitamin), TALK about how God’s Word connects with their life, PRAY for each other, and BLESS each other.  To give them some help and direction, the 3rd graders have been busily highlighting 122 Bible verses from Genesis to Revelation, including the favorite Bible verses of grandparents, parents, godparents, aunts and uncles, and other faith mentors in their life.  That’s over 122 days of Spiritual Vitamins!

So, do you need/want to take your own daily Spiritual Vitamin?  If so, I’d like to help you get started, and build in some accountability to the practice.  Email me at and I will send you the first 30 Spiritual Vitamins FOR FREE!  (yeah, I know they’re free anyway, just trying to get your attention).  Then you email me back with an update of how it is going, what you are learning and experiencing in your Spiritual Health, and I’ll send you the next 30 Spiritual Vitamins, and so on, and so on, and so on.  Once you’re developed your Spiritual Vitamin habit we can talk about other resources for your Spiritual Vitamins, as you will probably want to move onto Spiritual Food (deeper Bible study).  So, there you have it, a challenge, an invitation, and offer of FREE help and resources!  What are you waiting for?  Send me that email now!


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